The I AM mantra

Do the I AM Mantra with Joe as Part of Your Own Daily Practice.

If you follow Blossom Goodchild’s work, you know the I AM Mantra. It’s something the Federation of Light says will make a difference. Gathering in more Light. Expressing it… Being it. At least that’s objective. To connect with it.

And no, we don’t stay there 24/7, do we.


We often drop down into ‘less than enlightened’ thoughts. Feeling uninspired, maybe express upset, or frustration or even anger. — We are human, after all. And what is human if not to express a wide range of emotions?

But then we can always redirect our focus, if we make it a priority. Yes?

Well, if you feel you might like to connect with elevated states of Peace, Happiness, Joy… Love — then this piece might be quite helpful, because you can join in with your own voice. You can even play it on Repeat for as long as you like.

A little story…

I was working with fruits and vegetables for a while. Making sure there were enough in the various bins. I was speaking the I AM Mantra as I took each one, each and every one; at an even pace. And there were many times I feel I entered into in an elevated state.

A state where you’re experiencing the feelings of Peace, and Compassion, and Kindness, and Love

And each and every fruit, each and every vegetable I handled, with intention, was placed with that energized state of being for whomever was to be its recipient. — It was quite a rewarding experience, because we know you can influence the energy around you, in the things you touch, the foods you make, the water you drink. — With the people you Love.

So, while this Mantra was intended to elevate your state of being for the purpose of contributing your energy for this greater awakening we are and will be experiencing, it also has a day-to-day benefit, in whichever ways we call into being.

And finally, you may not feel the same level of upliftment every single time, but in making it a daily practice, there will be many times you do.

You can find the I AM Mantra right here… A Home for the Soul > Meditations > I AM Mantra

We have been updating our I AM collection for everyone who would love to wear the mantra on their heartspace.

I AM Collection – check it out here!

  • Jane
    March 20, 2022 at 2:54 pm

    This is a great suggestion, thanks Joe! Masaru Emoto studied the benefits of adding positive messages to water, knowing the good thoughts we think can be infused into the water we drink. It makes total sense to me that we can use the mantra to infuse good thoughts into food as we handle or prepare it. I can’t think of a greater gift for another person ~ and know I’ve sent them a wonderful healing gift without their knowledge makes me feel happy. What a fabulous little secret to hold close to our own hearts!

    • jpena
      March 21, 2022 at 2:52 pm

      Loved the way you finished with your last sentence, Jane! Thanks for sharing.

  • Moorhare
    March 20, 2022 at 3:44 pm

    I use the mantra a lot, normally many times a day, and when I go to bed. I’ve not tried it in such a specific way, Joe, other than when going to bed, and when I get up. I would like to be one of the people who got those fruit and veggies! Thanks for the thought.

    • jpena
      March 21, 2022 at 2:51 pm

      Hi Moorhare, I feel as though anytime anyone has handled fruits and veggies, or prepared a meal… with Love… Mantra or not, they get a dose of the same, don’t you think? And Thank You for supporting us here.

  • Martine Bouillir
    March 20, 2022 at 3:49 pm

    Hi Joe – great stuff – I love it. My only critique is that the writing on this site is too small and feint – very difficult to read. Would be great if that was sorted. Appreciate this concept very much!

    • jpena
      March 21, 2022 at 2:49 pm

      Thanks for the suggestion, Martine… and for your support.

  • Sugar Glumpkins
    March 21, 2022 at 11:56 pm

    Hey Joe. Well I just listened to Blossom’s March 20, 2022 YT and I am relieved to hear that I’m not the only one feeling as she does. I was fearful that because I was feeling detached that somehow I had morphed into some sort of psychopath, like a recovering empath of sorts 😜. So with that I can now follow your suggestions and also make a commitment to say the I AM mantra everyday through different activities, (whether I’m feeling it or not). I am also here to show my support for you (and will be perusing your wares). Thank You!!

    • jpena
      March 24, 2022 at 4:19 pm

      Hi Sugar, your sentiments about feeling detached is quite common isn’t it. And you may know this now, after reading through Blossom’s comments.Nevertheless, I’m glad to read you can also make a commitment to say the mantra everyday… whether feeling it or not. That’s huge. And definitely worth doing. Thanks for your support, Sugar!

  • Kaz
    March 24, 2022 at 5:30 am

    That’s so awesome Joe ! Loved reading the story and envisioning all the energised fruit and veggies. An awesome reminder to include it in every part of our lives. Words are so powerful and the I Am Mantra is extremely powerful. I’ve been using it on my brother who is returning home soon, that he has a smooth transition. And with my boys and I can see the amazing changes. Thank you so much Joe. Love you Joe. 💜🙏🏻💫