We're Gonna make it - I AM Mantra Song

We’re Gonna Make It

Feeling down? Like you could use a boost?

Here’s a mood lifting reminder that takes to heart Blossom Goodchild’s message from the Federation Of Light. There’s No Stopping Us We’re Gonna Make It .

Put on your dancing shoes and sing along to the I AM mantra while we dance together over the rainbow bridge.

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Click on the three dots on the music player’s right corner to download the track.

Original Recorded by Jared Marc Music License #: 4151906681

All Rights Reserved @ Joe Pena


  • Reply
    March 27, 2022 at 1:13 pm

    Wow I just love this! So much if the lyrics resonates with me: ‘There’s no stopping us, hold on, we’re going to make it’. Yes, indeed we will!!! I feel it in my bones and I feel giddy. I’ve downloaded it so I can listen to it regularly as a great reminder. Thank you Joe! You are a gift! 🙏💜

    • Reply
      March 29, 2022 at 3:56 pm

      I agree Jane, it is a great reminder. Just today I sent it to someone who dipped low and it brought them right back up again. How cool is that? Anyway, I hope you enjoy it for some time to come.

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