Intimacy with Divinity

Intimacy with Divinity

This piece was originally by Jane King, who brings through the energy known as Ptaah. And during my own healing journey, which frankly was a long and winding one, I came upon this piece and decided to put my voice to it. Mainly, because it had such a profound impact on me at the time.

Perhaps you’ve figured out by now, that journey is often described as peeling away layers, like an onion. One layer revealing the next and the next.. and the next. Or if you’re very ‘lucky’, you peel away one layer, and Poof!, all done! 😆

Nevertheless, this narration was created from a vulnerable place… for someone in a vulnerable place. And if you decide to listen, do so with an open heart for the one who will need it most from you… and that someone, is You.

Thank You for your gift.

Click on the three dots on the music player’s right corner to download the track.

All Rights Reserved @ Joe Pena

1 Comment

  • Reply
    Sammie Walker
    April 7, 2023 at 2:39 am

    Love this slow loving way of moving forward. Thank you all.

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