I AM Mantra

Way back in January 2016, The Federation of Light, as channeled through Blossom Goodchild, first introduced the mantra. However, it has evolved in its phrasing since then, but not at all in its meaning. — As you join in while listening to the mantra, as you hear each phrase, then speak it yourself, throughout the duration of this 5 minute piece… then you can truly take the FOL’s words here to heart.

Before downloading the I AM Mantra below, listen to the FOL’s message as you read along.

“Of course, we must add … as we have said many times before … words are inadequate. Yet indeed, they have great use and purpose. Yet, you KNOW it is THE FEELING behind the words offered to/within your mind … that allow the TRUTH of them to … BECOME. Therefore, when reiterating WHO YOU ARE … LIGHT-LOVE … FEEL … FEEL … FEEL THIS THAT YOU ARE. ‘IMAGINE’ THIS THAT YOU ARE! For in your constant attention to these thoughts and FEELING them as YOUR TRUTH … it is LAW that this TRUTH shall manifest into your reality. THAT WHICH YOU THINK … YOU BECOME. So, we would advise … with much Love … to be watchful of your thoughts at all times. Practice these thoughts which we offer … and FEEL the difference within.”

Federation of Light

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Thank You!

This Version Is Spoken Word Only

Click on the three dots on the music player’s right corner to download the track.

If you encounter any difficulties please contact us.

This Version Is Spoken Word and Music

Click on the three dots on the music player’s right corner to download the track.

This Version Is Spoken Word Only – Looped For 30 Minutes

Click on the three dots on the music player’s right corner to download the track.

All Rights Reserved @ Joe Pena


  • Reply
    March 20, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    Thank you for this Joe. I have now actually saved the mantra and put it on my front screen of my laptop so I won’t forget.

    • Reply
      March 21, 2022 at 2:53 pm

      Pefect! Glad you did, Astrid. And now we do them together!

  • Reply
    Rosemary Asaro
    March 23, 2022 at 5:42 am

    The mantra is lovely with the accompanied music. Much love and peace….Rosemary

  • Reply
    March 26, 2022 at 1:25 pm

    Thank you Joe, for your thoughtful gift. When I click on the three dots I only have a playback option and cannot download. Any idea why?

    • Reply
      March 26, 2022 at 2:49 pm

      Hi Jane, sending the link(s) to your email, so you can download, Thank You for showing up.

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