Rainbow bridge
angel support

A Note from the Angel Support Team


I am so pleased to meet you. It is my first time here speaking to you directly. Usually, I am working in the background on a little project here and there to support Joe bringing uplifting messages to you and into this world. 

Joe calls me Angel A… and that makes me smile. 

When Joe and I talked, I shared with him how I am feeling a shift within me lately. Something has changed and he asked if I would share my experience here. Maybe it is helpful for someone… let’s see.

Lately, I have been feeling the need to find more peace in my life. If you listened to Blossom’s latest channeling with The Federation you can maybe relate to the feeling of not wanting to follow any of that nonsense out there, the need to withdraw completely from all the drama presented to us. 

To me it feels, as if a storm has passed and now an inner calmness swept over me – a feeling of Trust that Everything will work itself out… somehow… not having answers as to how but the Knowing it will!

That is one of the reasons why this website The Light Has Won came into the making. The wish to create a Home where one’s soul can rest and recharge in times like these. A shelter that offers positive, uplifting messages that are nurturing to the soul when the outer worlds seem to have gone completely mad. A place to Feel all will be well, we ‘just’ have to keep going towards what we truly want.

And that is not so easy, is it?! 

I can only speak for myself, but how many times has my attention been pulled this way or that way! Information coming from everywhere, especially once I found myself on the road of the awakening process. The digging began, a dive from one rabbit hole into the next, not realizing I was on information overload. White Cloud spoke so wisely about it and said it would be advisable not to eat the whole box of chocolate at once, but instead to take one piece at a time.

Well, sometimes I think I ate three chocolate bars at once! 

And yes, it did make me feel sick and sad – many times, shocked and angry… as anyone would feel when they first find out about what has been happening behind the scenes for such a long time.

And yes, it is a part of the awakening process to look into the depth of darkness, but I feel it’s only one part! My awakening came in stages, levels and layers.. and often I would waver forth and back between expansion, high strung feelings, magical experiences and also deep dives into darkness craving to know ‘The Truth’.

What is ‘The Truth’? I ask myself… having also experienced how it is to try and “wake up” family and friends when they have no desire to awaken, maybe even be repelled by Your Truth, turning their back on you in order not to have to look or see down the dark abyss… 

It is scary, isn’t it?!

After two years of drama on the world stage and searching for answers, I have come to realize for myself that Truth has many facets. I ask myself, maybe there is no such thing as my Truth versus your Truth – doesn’t that feel like being caught up all over again in this petty game that has been playing out for way too long on the earth plane?!  Leaving us angry, frustrated and in separation from each other?

There was someone who put it in a nutshell,

‘The only thing I ever have to offer are my opinions. That’s all – simply opinions!’

Well, isn’t that a wise thing to come to realize?!

It feels very liberating to me. Allowing oneself to let go of having to know the truth, owning the only truth, touting that truth to everyone. 

And instead,


I feel a new time or phase has began for me. A time to turn my attention away from information, a time to consume less and instead create more from my heartspace. That gives me great satisfaction.

And by focusing my attention on creation, it feels like I begin to experience the New Earth in its early stages. There is no waiting game for the next thing to happen. When in the process of creation, I feel I am making small steps towards a brighter world, a small contribution, even if it means to simply try my best and think positive thoughts, focus my attention to the beauty that co-exists with everything else at the same moment.

Just to became aware of this – everything coexists side by side – the beauty and the horror, sadness and laughter, love and hatred. And everything in between.

It’s as if my Higher self says to me, ‘You have seen enough now, what more do you really need to see to know?! You “know” what you know deep within – anything else is a distraction to you. A distraction from the Feeling of Home. You can decide, you can choose, you are  free to choose what you want to experience, what you bring into this world with your thoughts, words and deeds. What is it you choose?’

My answer is:

‘And I choose Love!’

‘I choose Freedom!’

‘I choose Peace!’

Yes, and there will be many more times I will waver between the layers of what this earthly experience has to offer, no doubt! But now, I have the awareness that gives me a choice wether to dive down or fly high in every given moment of my life!

It’s actually quite an exhilarating ride coming to realize it, isn’t it?!

And when I come Home, feeling peace –  That Feeling of having finally arrived, I am ready and can’t wait to meet everyone at The Rainbow Bridge. Right after the storm when rain and sunshine create the most magical experience … and reveal the portal into a new dawn – our beautiful radiant New Earth!

Much love, happiness and joy,

Angel A

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  • jpena
    March 25, 2022 at 7:16 pm

    Thank You for doing this, Angel. Thank You for every single thing I have done that I wouldn’t have otherwise… if it weren’t for you. Thank You

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 6:09 am

      You have given so much from you – through you to everyone! It’s time it is being returned. Thank you for what you give to the world!
      Thank you 🙏 from my ❤️

    • Lindy morris
      March 26, 2022 at 10:26 am

      Everything you wrote in your message resonated with me.. I too have been down a few rabbit holes & have learned so much in the last 2yrs! 🤯
      Now I’m very discerning about where I place my attention.. ‘where focus goes, matter grows!’
      Thankyou so so much you’re beautiful souls 🙏 ❤️

      • Aria Angel
        March 26, 2022 at 12:20 pm

        Thank you Lindy!
        The last two years have truly been a growth spurt and now many begin to let the dust settle and integrate all that we have learned. It’s an exciting time and I am grateful for being here with so many other Lightworkers.
        Much love to you ❤️

  • Helen Towill
    March 25, 2022 at 7:48 pm

    That was lovely, thank you Angel x

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 6:20 am

      Helen, thank you very much! Wishing you a love-filled day ❤️🙏

  • Dianne
    March 25, 2022 at 7:56 pm

    Most beautiful and heartfelt, thank you Angel..for making the work a better place to rest into.

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 6:19 am

      Thank you Dianne for taking the time to write these kind words. They are so appreciated!
      Thank you for being on this journey with all of us! ❤️🤗

  • Kaz
    March 25, 2022 at 8:51 pm

    Angel A as I read through what you have said I could relate to so much. Especially going down the rabbit hole, and then backing away. I know at times I ate the whole box of chocolates and felt extremely sick. Even triggering previous lives and so remembering. You are a truly amazing Angel. Joe is so Blessed to have you with your incredible Insight as are so many others. Love all your creations. Thank you Angel. Joe and Blossom are amazing souls who have given so much to many Lightworkers. My son n I have a few if the amazing I Am Shirts and we wear them with so much Love. Thank you so much Angel A 💜🙏🏻🕊💫

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 6:18 am

      Dear Kaz,
      your words touched me!
      Thank you dearest sister of light!
      You always leave such beautiful heartfelt and honest comments on YT. I can feel your warrior spirit and your motherly energy to your son Kyle.
      Thank you for shining your light so brightly. I can feel it all the way from Australia to Germany!
      Thank you! ✨❤️✨

  • MaryAnne Colgan
    March 25, 2022 at 11:55 pm

    Sometimes our journey ‘s here are hard to put into words, but you surely did. And from the heart. ♥️ Thank you and I wish you, Angel & Joe peace love and joy!

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 6:13 am

      Thank you MaryAnne,
      you just summed it up for me! Our journey here is sometimes hard to explain but we sure do it with our hearts.

  • Roxanne Victor
    March 26, 2022 at 12:04 am

    This is exactly where I am. I am glad to hear it confirmed.

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 6:10 am

      Hi Roxanne, that feels so good to me too!
      Are we making the shift? I feel we do!

  • Lynette
    March 26, 2022 at 1:55 pm

    Thank you for sharing, Angel A. Your story echoes mine in many ways. I, too, have been seeking peace for some time now, after traveling deep down many rabbit holes. On the rare occasion I have found some work Joe has done, it feels soothing. I hope you continue to develop this site and I shall be looking forward to finding peace and soul family support as we build this new world together! Namaste’

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 7:38 pm

      Dear Lynette,
      I agree with you about Joe’s work. It has the same effect on me. He has been a way shower for me.
      I see a big sign post which says ‘Home this way’.
      My heart says ‘yes’, we definitely keep on sharing here and hopefully make this home for the soul grow.

  • Rose
    March 26, 2022 at 2:30 pm

    Thank You,
    Everything that was stated is exactly what most of us are feeling, I will keep sending love, being helpful, and yes waiting for the rainbow, which indeed I have seen just looking at the beautiful mornings, how magnificent is she in the early hours…it feels like you were reading my mind.

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 7:39 pm

      your words felt so very good to read ❤️🌈❤️☀️
      Thank you!

  • Renae Nagle
    March 26, 2022 at 5:14 pm

    I have spent this entire incarnation learning, teaching and treating my clients to transmute and transcend their emotional and psychological traumas that prevent them from seeing their own personal truths. In attending to their experiences I was able to write my book that also shared my own personal journey and his current incarnation. Each and every soul has their own journey to travel of which enlightens and empowers them to discern their own intuitive truths. Each of us has a sales purpose and all beings efforts on this planet and beyond have a higher connective purpose to the truth that continually expands and changes at well. So thankful to all those who participate in this journey from their hearts as love is the primary driving force and truth of the universe. Much love to all… please continue to go with him and transcend your traumas, and emotional triggers so that you can continue to move forward.Namaste. Rev.Dr. Renae Nagle 🙏😇🌈

    • Aria Angel
      March 26, 2022 at 7:21 pm

      Thank you for sharing your insights. They are very intriguing and so helpful to many who are looking to ‘find’ – remember their soul’s purpose.
      Thank you for living yours and helping others! ❤️🙏

  • Renae Nagle
    March 26, 2022 at 5:15 pm

    Souls purpose

  • Wendy
    April 10, 2022 at 8:31 pm

    Thank you so very much Angel A, both for taking the time to write about what you are experiencing during this “topsy-turvy time” as White Cloud has called it and for encouraging Joe to reach out to those of us who resonate. I, too, feel that it is time to move away from the too loud outer world of rabbit holes and move more toward a space of peace and love. It is lovely to have this space to find others who feel something similar.
    Many, many thanks!

    • Aria Angel
      April 10, 2022 at 8:40 pm

      Dear Wendy,
      thank you for taking time to write a comment and get in touch with us!
      It feels so good to know we are not alone on this crazy wild ride.
      It looks like a new phase has began for us. And it feels good to me.
      Thank you for joining us here. It’s a pleasure to have you.