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Messages That Never Grow Old

Remember the days when Joe followed up one of his Brenda’s Blog reading with a song or his personal commentary?

It made the message so much more powerful, don’t you agree?!

Lately, I had needed a small boost and I listened to some of the “old” narrations of Brenda’s Blog on Joe’s YouTube channel. And after listening, I not only flew high, but I realized these messages never grow old. No, instead they showed me how I have evolved with ‘time’!

It was crystal clear to me that some of those nuggets had to be shared here on our Home For The Soul. We chose the most popular Brenda’s Blog readings. So, when you have a day you need some upliftment you can come to Universal Messages. Enjoy discovering these evergreens by the Universes, channeled by Brenda Hoffman and delivered Home by Joe Pena.

Keep checking back from time to time as we upload more.

Much love, happiness and joy,

Angel A

Universal Messages

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