Pulling Back The Curtain

Pulling Back The Curtain

This reading by Brenda was one of the most fundamental messages for me. It feels there are layers to it, like veils or curtains to walk through. And once you have moved through one, on your next visit you will dive deeper and discover there is yet so much more to unveil – pulling back one curtain after another. It’s magical and mind opening!

Pulling Back The Curtain is a timeless piece on your journey to discovery of your inner and outer world. And whenever you feel ready to cross the threshold from fear, gloom and doom on the outside to peace and joy on the inside then listen, listen, and listen again.

Did you catch that last part?

It was quite an AHA-moment for me!

And now put on your dancing shoes. Joe gifted us with “We get There Together” by Kidpenny. I could listen to it over and over again!

Click on the three dots on the music player’s right corner to download the track.

If you encounter any problems please contact us here.

All Rights Reserved @ Joe Pena

Thank you for your kindness! We feel the Love flowing forth and back!

Thank You!

The full article to Pulling Back The Curtain can be found here on Brenda Hoffman’s Blog.

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